Sleep for Adolescents

  • The amount of sleep an adolescent needs changes over time and can vary dramatically from person to person. You will feel refreshed in the morning if you are getting adequate sleep.
  • Ideally, bedtime and wake-up time should be about the same (i.e. not vary more than one hour) on school and non-school nights. Avoid naps. If you must nap, keep it under one hour and do it in the early mid-afternoon.
  • Make the hour before bedtime quiet time. Avoid stimulating activities (e.g. studying, exercise, video games). Develop bedtime rituals. (e.g. warm shower, reading).
  • Prepare for sleep by shutting off or dimming lights one hour before bedtime. Don't spend time in front of a bright TV or computer one hour before bedtime.
  • Once you are in bed with the light off, use a white noise machine or soothing music to counteract racing thoughts.
  • Tense and then relax one muscle at a time, starting at your feet and move up. Breathe out each time you reach a new muscle group.
  • Make your bedroom comfortable, quite and dark. Use the bed for sleeping only. Do not study, read, listen to music or watch TV on the bed.
  • Make sure you get regular exercise. Avoid heavy exercise within 2-3 hours of bedtime.
  • Do not go to bed hungry. A light snack before bed is good, but avoid large meals within 2-3 hours of bedtime.
  • Avoid caffeine (e.g. soft drinks, chocolate), especially after noon. Alcohol and nicotine also disrupt sleep.